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Training,Clinical Supervision & consultation

Specialised training and clinical supervision for eating disorders & other adolescent problems
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Andrew specialises in the provision of clinical supervision and consultation for mental health professions. He is experienced working with both individuals and groups. Supervision can focus on - 

  • Developing reflective capacity

  • Case discussion and planning

  • Implementation and coaching in specific therapy models

Clinical Supervision is provided in a dialogical framework and aims to collaboratively develop goals with the supervised or group.

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Andrew has many years experience leading and developing teams and can support you to develop your leadership skills in a clinical environment.

Rodin’s “Le Penseur” in Dr. Linde’s Garden by Edvard Munch (1907) Public Domain


Over many years Andrew has been providing consultation to services across Australasia to develop their service model and implement evidence based therapy. This has included specialist tertiary services, child and adolescent mental health teams and private practices. 


Current practices or services include:

  • Perth Children's Hospital

  • Centre for Clinical Interventions, Perth

  • Tupu Ora Eating Disorder Service, Auckland

  • Central Regional Eating Disorder Service, Wellington

  • Metro South CYMHS, Brisbane

  • Basten and Assoc, Sydney

  • Bodymatters, Sydney

  • Nourish Nurture Thrive, Melbourne

  • Health Collective, Brisbane

  • Centre for Eating, Weight and Body Image, Victoria


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Van Gogh’s Chair by Vincent van Gogh (1889) Public Domain


Andrew has been providing training for more than 25 years to mental health professionals. He well known for his training skills and capacity to support trainees to effectively meet the goals of the workshop. Training can be provided in - 

  • Family based therapy for eating disorders

  • Multiple family therapy for anorexia nervosa

  • Attachment based family therapy 

  • Systemic family therapy​

  • Clinical supervision


More information can be found on the training page.


Trainings are routinely offered through - 

  • Australia and New Zealand Academy of eating Disorders

  • Centre for Excellence in Eating Disorders 

  • Sydney Children's Hospital Eating Disorder Service

The Road to a Particular Interest by Ferdinand Hodler (1890).jpeg

The Road to a Particular Interest by Ferdinand Hodler (1890) Public Domain


February 16-17 FBT ANZAED (on-line)


May 2-3 Eating Disorder Focused Family Therapy Skills - CEED, Melbourne


May 24-25 FBT - Centre for Eating Weight and Body Image (on-line)


July 22-25 Multiple Family Therapy - Centre for Excellence in eating Disorders (CEED), Melbourne


Oct 25-26 FBT - Centre for Eating Weight and Body Image (on-line)











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Published July 16th 2024 and available from Routledge

Available from - 

  • and all good online bookshops

Available from - 

  • Kids Health Book Shop, The Children's Hospital, Westmead


Discounts for bulk purchases

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